Friday Facebook Tip – Customizing Your News Feed

Happy Friday everyone! 🥳

For this week’s #FridayFacebookTip, we are going to show you how to customize your news feed to show pages that you want to see. You may be thinking, “Well if I’m following a page, they should show up in my news feed. Right?”

Unfortunately, that’s not necessarily true. A Facebook algorithm is how Facebook decides what posts users see and in what order. In 2018, it was announced that newsfeeds would prioritize “posts that spark conservations and meaningful interactions.” In other words, content that received the most engagement would be at the top of your newsfeed.

This highly affects how smaller brands and businesses raise awareness for themselves. When this algorithm was put in place, it made it so that in order to get more reach and engagement on your posts, you had to ALREADY have been earning high engagement on your content.

So, how can you change your newsfeed? It’s actually simple.

-Go to a page of a brand, business, or person that you want to see more of.

-Click on the three dots on the right of the profile.

-Go to the “Following” button.

-Change “Default” to “Favorite”.

There you go! Now you can customize your newsfeed to see more of what you are interested in, no matter how much engagement they’ve received on their content.

Check out the pictures below to see how we made Buffalo Rising a favorite on our newsfeed!