Must-Have Marketing Materials: Realtors

Being a realtor is an increasingly competitive occupation. In an industry where first impressions are extremely important, how you market yourself and your business can mean the difference between a sale with a commission or losing a listing. While it’s important to embrace growing trends, combining a strong digital and social media presence with traditional print marketing materials can help build a successful brand.

Stand-Out Signs

Signs are one of the most important pieces of promotional material in a realtor’s repertoire. Real estate signs are a great way to let people know that a house is for sale and display all the relevant information. But real estate signs also have a hidden benefit: they are highly effective at boosting your brand’s visibility within a certain area. The more clients you have with your name and face in their front yard, the more exposure you are going to get. 

Business Cards

The real estate industry is all about making quick connections and what better way to get your contact information into the hands of a potential client than a catchy yet informative business card. Business cards are an efficient and cost effective form of advertising. They allow clients to have your name, logo, and contact information right at their finger tips. That is why every realtor should have a stack of business cards at their disposal at all times. 

Brochures and Flyers

Real estate agents have relied on brochures and fliers to hand out at showings and open houses to get all the relevant information about the listing into as many hands as possible. Brochures and flyers are two of the most commonly used forms of physical advertising because they are cost effective and easily portable. Don’t let potential buyers leave empty handed. Give them some information to look over after they leave. 

Print Marketing Materials

Real estate agents often implore a variety of advertising and marketing methods and materials to help establish, promote and grow their brands. Combining a strong digital presence with more traditional print marketing can cover a wide spectrum of potential buyers and build your brand even bigger.

New York Marketing is happy to help local realtors with all of their printed marketing materials, from business cards and signs to banners, brochures and direct mail postcards. Let us supply the stuff you need to make that big sale. Call us today at (716) 632-7200.